If you can muster a toehold in the project plan, be forward-looking in your designs. 如果能够在项目计划中找到立足点,则可以在设计中融入前瞻思想。
The question is whether together, we can muster the will in our own lives, in our common institutions, in our politics to bring about the changes we need. 问题是,我们是否能够拧成一股绳,拿出意志力在我们自己的生活中,在我们共同的体制中,在我们的政治事务中实现我们所需的变革。
If you can muster the courage to attend the ultimate Frisbee try-out or the Japanese society welcome party, you've taken a step in the right direction. 如果你可以鼓起勇气参加最终的飞盘大赛或是日本社区欢迎会,那就已经算是迈出了正确的一步啦。
With all the willpower I can muster, I try to bring the sense of urgency in Dr. Kings words to my work today. 我集中全部的意志力,试图将金博士所说的紧迫感带入我今天的工作。
You ll know everything has passed muster when a mouse cursor appears in the center of your screen. 当鼠标光标出现在屏幕正中时,您就知道所有东西都已通过检测。
Only two things had happened in the meantime to suggest the centre-left government could muster the outright majority in the upper house which eluded it previously. 只有这两件事同时发生才意味着原来一直在幕后的中左翼政府已经控制了上议院。
The question is whether we will see the economic possibilities ahead, and muster the will to get there in time. 问题是,我们能否看到前方的各种经济可能性,并鼓足干劲,及时赶到那里。
Third Mate: Yes, I did. I pasted a muster list in corridor. 三副:是的,我把应变部署表贴在走廊里了。
He had brought no money with him, the whole he could muster having been expended in paying his passage. 他没有带来钱财,他所能筹措的款项全部都用在船票上了。
A female enlisted person in the armed forces. Youths under eighteen cannot muster in. 在陆海空三军中被征召的女性人员。年龄不满18岁的青年不能征召入伍。
Any political entity would invoke religious solidarity to muster its strength in numbers. 政治组织更不惜利用宗教来招兵买马和团结人心。
When we feel like a small cog in a great big machine it's hard to muster pride in one's work and true loyalty to the machine. 如果我们感觉自己只是宏伟机器中不起眼的一个嵌齿,我们很难在工作中感到自豪,更不会对机器产生真正的忠诚。
In practice it is difficult to muster the political will to push through reforms that could result in higher prices for Chinese drivers. 在现实中,发改委很难有足够的政治意愿推动可能导致油价上涨的改革。
( VI) Muster relevant units of water and power supply, medical and rescue and transportation to assist the fire fighting and rescue work. Single Station Passive Ranging Location Technology for Maneuvering Emitter in Shipborne EW System (六)调动供水、供电、医疗救护、交通运输等有关单位协助灭火救助。舰载电子战系统中对运动辐射源的单站无源测距定位技术
That put the idea of using material incentives to muster enthusiasm among individual workers in direct conflict with dominant ideology. 这把用物质刺激鼓起与优势之间的直接冲突的意识形态个体劳动者积极性的想法。
I could muster no strength in what must have been a frail frame in the eyes of my porters and guide. 我想在搬运工人眼中的应是一具脆弱的躯体,而这躯体中经已不存丝毫精力。
Even if they cling on, Mr Obama will not be able to muster the 60 votes in the Senate needed to surmount Republican procedural obstacles. 即便他们守住阵地,奥巴马也无法在参议院收集到所需的60个赞成票,以克服共和党在程序上设置的障碍。
Referring to the ordering laws of color muster and digital relationship, this article introduces the theoretical basis of tricolor dye system, the composition of digital system and the expression of uniform color space in types, features and relations of colors. 本文结合色品排列规律及数字关系,介绍了染料三基色系统这个颜色模型的理论依据、数字系统的组成及均匀颜色空间在色彩的类别、特征和相互关系上的体现。
The application of muster theory in the evaluation of stuff 数学集合在人力资源评价中的应用
In Web application development, Statistical analysis charts are often used. OWC chart components and programming interface muster in Microsoft Office provided a very effective way for the development of statistical charts in Web environment. 在WEB应用程序开发中,经常需要使用到统计分析图表,MicrosoftOffice中所提供的OWC图表组件及其所支持的编程接口集合,为WEB环境下统计图表的开发提供了一种十分有效的方法。
Study community positive muster most effectively the method is a recent complexity in domestic and international rise theories. 研究社会有源集的最有效方法是最近在国内外兴起的复杂性理论。